Hàm Chuyển Số Sang Chữ - Chuyển Đổi Tiền Tệ Trong Excel

Thảo luận trong 'Công Nghệ' bắt đầu bởi Admin, 20 Tháng năm 2017.

  1. Admin

    Admin Cho đi là còn mãi Thành viên BQT

    Bài viết:
    Tìm chủ đề
    Hàm sau giúp chuyển đổi số thành dạng chữ trong Excel

    Áp dụng chuyển đổi đơn vị tiền tệ, báo cáo..

    Option Explicit
    Function CountValue(ByVal Target As Range, ByVal Criteria As Long, ByVal isGreater As Boolean) As Variant
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    Dim k As Long
    With Target
    For i = 1 To .Rows.Count
    For j = 1 To .Columns.Count
    If Not IsEmpty(.Cells(i, j)) Then
    If isGreater Then
    If Val(.Cells(i, j)) >= Criteria Then k = k + 1
    If Val(.Cells(i, j)) <= Criteria Then k = k + 1
    End If
    End If
    End With
    CountValue = k + 1
    End Function
    Public Function NumtoWordExl(ByVal Target As Range, Optional IsToUnicode As Boolean = False) As String
    Dim iStr As String, i As Long
    Dim retVal As String
    If isBigRange(Target) Then
    NumtoWordExl = ""
    GoTo tExitFunction
    End If
    ' this is a trick to keep excel doesnt set the value to somewhat like 1.22e12+19
    iStr = Format(Target.Value, "#000")
    retVal = NumtoWord(iStr)
    ' Now we have to convert the result to unicode if neccessary
    If retVal <> "" And IsToUnicode Then retVal = ToUnicode(retVal)
    NumtoWordExl = retVal
    End Function
    Function NumtoWord(InTxt As String) As String
    ' Concert any length number to word
    ' The mentor is: break a number to 9 characters length and do the conversion
    ' for the rest .... increment the billion counter
    ' the main function for the conversion is at anywhere in the net and I took this one from anonimity
    ' My onwed function work similarly - but i failed in searching for it - it dumbed...
    ' so take this one in replacement
    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
    Dim OutString As String
    Dim ProcArr() As String
    ReDim ProcArr(10)
    While Len(InTxt) > 9
    ' break the input string to group of 9 digit
    ProcArr(i) = Right(InTxt, 9)
    InTxt = Left(InTxt, Len(InTxt) - 9)
    i = i + 1
    ProcArr(i) = InTxt
    ReDim Preserve ProcArr(i)
    ' Now convert the group to value
    i = UBound(ProcArr)
    While i > 0
    ' add with "w" as billion word...
    OutString = OutString & IIf(Val(ProcArr(i)) > 0, ReadBilGroup(ProcArr(i)) & String(i, "w"), "")
    i = i - 1
    OutString = Replace(OutString, "w", " tû") & ReadBilGroup(ProcArr(0))
    NumtoWord = Trim(OutString)
    End Function
    Private Function ReadBilGroup(s As String) As String
    Dim l As Integer, i As Integer, j As Integer
    Dim dk As Boolean
    Dim A(11) As Integer
    Dim C As String
    ' Variant array to quick convert the number to word
    Dim iArr As Variant
    iArr = Array("kh«ng", "mét", "hai", "ba", "bèn", "n¨m", "s¸u", "b¶y", "t¸m", "chÝn")
    C = ""
    l = Len(s)
    ' break number to single string
    For i = 1 To l
    A(i) = CInt(Mid(s, i, 1))
    Next i
    For i = 1 To l '
    Select Case A(i)
    Case 1:
    If (i > 1 And (l - i + 1) Mod 3 = 1 And A(i - 1) > 1) Then
    C = C & " mèt"
    ElseIf ((l - i + 1) Mod 3 <> 2 And A(i) = 1) Then
    C = C & " mét"
    End If
    Case 5:
    If (i > 0 And (l - i + 1) Mod 3 = 1 And A(i - 1) <> 0) Then
    C = C & " l¨m"
    C = C & " n¨m"
    End If
    Case 0:
    If (l - i + 1) Mod 3 = 0 And (A(i + 1) <> 0 Or A(i + 2) <> 0) Then C = C & " kh«ng"
    If (l - i + 1) Mod 3 = 2 And A(i + 1) <> 0 Then C = C & " linh"
    Case Else
    If i = l And A(i) = 4 Then
    C = C & " t&shy;"
    C = C & " " & iArr(A(i))
    End If
    End Select
    If ((l - i + 1) Mod 3 = 2 And A(i) <> 0 And A(i) <> 1) Then
    C = C & " m&shy;¬i"
    ElseIf ((l - i + 1) Mod 3 = 2 And A(i) <> 0) Then
    C = C & " m&shy;êi"
    End If
    If ((l - i + 1) Mod 3 = 0 And (A(i + 1) <> 0 Or A(i + 2) <> 0)) Then
    C = C & " tr¨m"
    ElseIf (l - i + 1) Mod 3 = 0 And A(i) <> 0 Then
    C = C & " tr¨m"
    End If
    If ((l - i + 1) = 4) Then C = C & " ngµn"
    If ((l - i + 1) = 7) Then C = C & " triÖu"
    If ((l - i + 1) Mod 3 = 0 And A(i) = 0 And A(i + 1) = 0 And A(i + 2) = 0) Then i = i + 2
    If ((l - i + 1) Mod 3 = 1) Then
    dk = True
    For j = i To l
    If A(j) <> 0 Then dk = False
    Next j
    End If
    If dk Then Exit For
    Next i
    ReadBilGroup = C
    End Function
    Private Function isBigRange(ByVal Target As Range) As Boolean
    On Error GoTo ErrHandler
    If Target.Rows.Count > 1 Or Target.Columns.Count > 1 Then isBigRange = True
    End Function
    Function ToUnicode(txtString As String, Optional isReversed As Boolean = False) As String
    ' This function will do the conversion of text string into unicode
    Dim iStr As String, repTxt As String, mText As String
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    Dim iUnicode As Variant ' array to keep unicode char set
    Dim iTCVN As Variant ' array to keep TCVN char set
    Dim iProcList() As String ' array to keep what to convert
    'parse the parameter into this local variable
    iStr = txtString
    mText = txtString
    iUnicode = Array(225, 224, 7843, 227, 7841, 259, 7855, 7857, 7859, 7861, 7863, 226, _
    7845, 7847, 7849, 7851, 7853, 233, 232, 7867, 7869, 7865, 234, 7871, 7873, 7875, _
    7877, 7879, 237, 236, 7881, 297, 7883, 243, 242, 7887, 245, 7885, 244, 7889, 7891, _
    7893, 7895, 7897, 417, 7899, 7901, 7903, 7905, 7907, 250, 249, 7911, 361, 7909, _
    432, 7913, 7915, 7917, 7919, 7921, 253, 7923, 7927, 7929, 7925, 273, 193, 192, 195, _
    258, 194, 212, 416, 431, 272)
    iTCVN = Array(184, 181, 182, 183, 185, 168, 190, 187, 188, 189, 198, 169, 202, 199, 200, _
    201, 203, 208, 204, 206, 207, 209, 170, 213, 210, 211, 212, 214, 221, 215, 216, 220, _
    222, 227, 223, 225, 226, 228, 171, 232, 229, 230, 231, 233, 172, 237, 234, 235, 236, _
    238, 243, 239, 241, 242, 244, 173, 248, 245, 246, 247, 249, 253, 250, 251, 252, 254, _
    174, 193, 192, 195, 161, 162, 164, 165, 166, 167)
    ' Reenlarge the array
    ReDim iProcList(1, 133)
    ' process the vowel only and covert to asc code
    For i = 1 To Len(mText)
    repTxt = Mid(mText, i, 1)
    If AscW(repTxt) > 122 Then
    iStr = Replace(iStr, repTxt, "[" & AscW(repTxt) & "]")
    mText = Replace(mText, repTxt, " ")
    ' write the processed list
    iProcList(1, j) = "[" & AscW(repTxt) & "]"
    If isReversed Then
    iProcList(0, j) = GetElementNo(AscW(repTxt), iUnicode)
    iProcList(0, j) = GetElementNo(AscW(repTxt), iTCVN)
    End If
    j = j + 1
    End If
    If j = 0 Then
    ToUnicode = txtString
    Exit Function
    End If
    ReDim Preserve iProcList(1, j - 1)
    ' now convert to unicode
    For i = 0 To UBound(iProcList, 2)
    If isReversed Then
    iStr = Replace(iStr, iProcList(1, i), ChrW(iTCVN(Val(iProcList(0, i)))))
    iStr = Replace(iStr, iProcList(1, i), ChrW(iUnicode(Val(iProcList(0, i)))))
    End If
    ToUnicode = iStr
    End Function
  2. Admin

    Admin Cho đi là còn mãi Thành viên BQT

    Bài viết:
    Tìm chủ đề
    Một hàm nữa cho các bạn tham khảo, áp dụng được với font chữ tiếng việt ABC, VNI, Unicode

    Function DocSoVni(conso) As String
    s09 = Array("", " moät", " hai", " ba", " boán", " naêm", " saùu", " baûy", " taùm", " chín")
    lop3 = Array("", " trieäu", " nghìn", " tyû")
    If Trim(conso) = "" Then
    DocSoVni = ""
    ElseIf IsNumeric(conso) = True Then
    If conso < 0 Then dau = "aâm " Else dau = ""
    conso = Application.WorksheetFunction.Round(Abs(conso), 0)
    conso = " " & conso
    conso = Replace(conso, ",", "", 1)
    vt = InStr(1, conso, "E")
    If vt > 0 Then
    sonhan = Val(Mid(conso, vt + 1))
    conso = Trim(Mid(conso, 2, vt - 2))
    conso = conso & String(sonhan - Len(conso) + 1, "0")
    End If
    conso = Trim(conso)
    sochuso = Len(conso) Mod 9
    If sochuso > 0 Then conso = String(9 - (sochuso Mod 12), "0") & conso
    docso = ""
    I = 1
    lop = 1
    n1 = Mid(conso, I, 1)
    n2 = Mid(conso, I + 1, 1)
    n3 = Mid(conso, I + 2, 1)
    baso = Mid(conso, I, 3)
    I = I + 3
    If n1 & n2 & n3 = "000" Then
    If docso <> "" And lop = 3 And Len(conso) - I > 2 Then s123 = " tyû" Else s123 = ""
    If n1 = 0 Then
    If docso = "" Then s1 = "" Else s1 = " khoâng traêm"
    s1 = s09(n1) & " traêm"
    End If
    If n2 = 0 Then
    If s1 = "" Or n3 = 0 Then
    s2 = ""
    s2 = " linh"
    End If
    If n2 = 1 Then s2 = " möôøi" Else s2 = s09(n2) & " möôi"
    End If
    If n3 = 1 Then
    If n2 = 1 Or n2 = 0 Then s3 = " moät" Else s3 = " moát"
    ElseIf n3 = 5 And n2 <> 0 Then
    s3 = " laêm"
    s3 = s09(n3)
    End If
    If I > Len(conso) Then
    s123 = s1 & s2 & s3
    s123 = s1 & s2 & s3 & lop3(lop)
    End If
    End If
    lop = lop + 1
    If lop > 3 Then lop = 1
    docso = docso & s123
    If I > Len(conso) Then Exit Do
    If docso = "" Then DocSoVni = "khoâng" Else DocSoVni = dau & Trim(docso)
    DocSoVni = conso
    End If
    End Function
    Function DocSoAbc(conso) As String
    s09 = Array("", " mét", " hai", " ba", " bèn", " n¨m", " s¸u", " b¶y", " t¸m", " chÝn")
    lop3 = Array("", " triÖu", " ngh×n", " tû", " triÖu", " ngh×n", "")
    If Trim(conso) = "" Then
    DocSoAbc = ""
    ElseIf IsNumeric(conso) = True Then
    If conso < 0 Then dau = "©m " Else dau = ""
    conso = Application.WorksheetFunction.Round(Abs(conso), 0)
    conso = " " & conso
    conso = Replace(conso, ",", "", 1)
    vt = InStr(1, conso, "E")
    If vt > 0 Then
    sonhan = Val(Mid(conso, vt + 1))
    conso = Trim(Mid(conso, 2, vt - 2))
    conso = conso & String(sonhan - Len(conso) + 1, "0")
    End If
    conso = Trim(conso)
    sochuso = Len(conso) Mod 9
    If sochuso > 0 Then conso = String(9 - (sochuso Mod 12), "0") & conso
    docso = ""
    I = 1
    lop = 1
    n1 = Mid(conso, I, 1)
    n2 = Mid(conso, I + 1, 1)
    n3 = Mid(conso, I + 2, 1)
    baso = Mid(conso, I, 3)
    I = I + 3
    If n1 & n2 & n3 = "000" Then
    If docso <> "" And lop = 3 And Len(conso) - I > 2 Then s123 = " tû" Else s123 = ""
    If n1 = 0 Then
    If docso = "" Then s1 = "" Else s1 = " kh«ng tr¨m"
    s1 = s09(n1) & " tr¨m"
    End If
    If n2 = 0 Then
    If s1 = "" Or n3 = 0 Then
    s2 = ""
    s2 = " linh"
    End If
    If n2 = 1 Then s2 = " m&shy;êi" Else s2 = s09(n2) & " m&shy;¬i"
    End If
    If n3 = 1 Then
    If n2 = 1 Or n2 = 0 Then s3 = " mét" Else s3 = " mèt"
    ElseIf n3 = 5 And n2 <> 0 Then
    s3 = " l¨m"
    s3 = s09(n3)
    End If
    If I > Len(conso) Then
    s123 = s1 & s2 & s3
    s123 = s1 & s2 & s3 & lop3(lop)
    End If
    End If
    lop = lop + 1
    If lop > 3 Then lop = 1
    docso = docso & s123
    If I > Len(conso) Then Exit Do
    If docso = "" Then DocSoAbc = "kh«ng" Else DocSoAbc = dau & Trim(docso)
    DocSoAbc = conso
    End If
    End Function
    Function DocSoUni(conso) As String
    s09 = Array("", " m" & ChrW(7897) & "t", " hai", " ba", " b" & ChrW(7889) & "n", " n" & _
    ChrW(259) & "m", " s" & ChrW(225) & "u", " b" & ChrW(7843) & "y", " t" & ChrW(225) & "m", " ch" & ChrW(237) & "n")
    lop3 = Array("", " tri" & ChrW(7879) & "u", " ngh" & ChrW(236) & "n", " t" & ChrW(7927))
    If Trim(conso) = "" Then
    DocSoUni = ""
    ElseIf IsNumeric(conso) = True Then
    If conso < 0 Then dau = ChrW(226) & "m " Else dau = ""
    conso = Application.WorksheetFunction.Round(Abs(conso), 0)
    conso = " " & conso
    conso = Replace(conso, ",", "", 1)
    vt = InStr(1, conso, "E")
    If vt > 0 Then
    sonhan = Val(Mid(conso, vt + 1))
    conso = Trim(Mid(conso, 2, vt - 2))
    conso = conso & String(sonhan - Len(conso) + 1, "0")
    End If
    conso = Trim(conso)
    sochuso = Len(conso) Mod 9
    If sochuso > 0 Then conso = String(9 - (sochuso Mod 12), "0") & conso
    docso = ""
    I = 1
    lop = 1
    n1 = Mid(conso, I, 1)
    n2 = Mid(conso, I + 1, 1)
    n3 = Mid(conso, I + 2, 1)
    baso = Mid(conso, I, 3)
    I = I + 3
    If n1 & n2 & n3 = "000" Then
    If docso <> "" And lop = 3 And Len(conso) - I > 2 Then s123 = " t" & ChrW(7927) Else s123 = ""
    If n1 = 0 Then
    If docso = "" Then s1 = "" Else s1 = " kh" & ChrW(244) & "ng tr" & ChrW(259) & "m"
    s1 = s09(n1) & " tr" & ChrW(259) & "m"
    End If
    If n2 = 0 Then
    If s1 = "" Or n3 = 0 Then
    s2 = ""
    s2 = " linh"
    End If
    If n2 = 1 Then s2 = " m" & ChrW(432) & ChrW(7901) & "i" Else s2 = s09(n2) & " m" & ChrW(432) & ChrW(417) & "i"
    End If
    If n3 = 1 Then
    If n2 = 1 Or n2 = 0 Then s3 = " m" & ChrW(7897) & "t" Else s3 = " m" & ChrW(7889) & "t"
    ElseIf n3 = 5 And n2 <> 0 Then
    s3 = " l" & ChrW(259) & "m"
    s3 = s09(n3)
    End If
    If I > Len(conso) Then
    s123 = s1 & s2 & s3
    s123 = s1 & s2 & s3 & lop3(lop)
    End If
    End If
    lop = lop + 1
    If lop > 3 Then lop = 1
    docso = docso & s123
    If I > Len(conso) Then Exit Do
    If docso = "" Then DocSoUni = "kh" & ChrW(244) & "ng" Else DocSoUni = dau & Trim(docso)
    DocSoUni = conso
    End If
    End Function
  3. Admin

    Admin Cho đi là còn mãi Thành viên BQT

    Bài viết:
    Tìm chủ đề
    Hàm chuyển số sang chữ tiền USD

    Public Function USD(WhatNumber) 
    ' Tien USD tieng Anh'  
    Dim ToRead, NumString, Group, Word As String 
    Dim I, J As Byte, W, X, Y, Z As Double 
    Dim FristColum, SecondColum, ReadMetho 
    If WhatNumber = 0 Then 
    ToRead = "None" 
    If Abs(WhatNumber) >= 1E+15 Then 
    ToRead = "Too long number ???" 
    FristColum = Array("None", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", _ 
    "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eightteen", "nineteen") 
    SecondColum = Array("None", "None", "twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety") 
    ReadMetho = Array("None", "trillion", "billion", "million", "thousand", "dollars", "cents") 
    If WhatNumber < 0 Then 
    ToRead = "Minus" & Space(1) 
    ToRead = Space(0) 
    End If 
    NumString = Format(Abs(WhatNumber), "##############0.00") 
    NumString = Right(Space(15) & NumString, 18) 
    For I = 1 To 6 
    Group = Mid(NumString, I * 3 - 2, 3) 
    If Group <> Space(3) Then 
    Select Case Group 
    Case "000" 
    If I = 5 And Abs(WhatNumber) > 1 Then 
    Word = "dollars" & Space(1) 
    Word = Space(0) 
    End If 
    Case ".00" 
    Word = "only" 
    Case Else 
    X = Val(Left(Group, 1)) 
    Y = Val(Mid(Group, 2, 1)) 
    Z = Val(Right(Group, 1)) 
    W = Val(Right(Group, 2)) 
    If X = 0 Then 
    Word = Space(0) 
    Word = FristColum(X) & Space(1) & "hundred" & Space(1) 
    If W > 0 And W < 21 Then 
    Word = Word & "and" & Space(1) 
    End If 
    End If 
    If I = 6 And Abs(WhatNumber) > 1 Then 
    Word = "and" & Space(1) & Word 
    End If 
    If W < 20 And W > 0 Then 
    Word = Word & FristColum(W) & Space(1) 
    If W >= 20 Then 
    Word = Word & SecondColum(Y) & Space(1) 
    If Z > 0 Then 
    Word = Word & FristColum(Z) & Space(1) 
    End If 
    End If 
    End If 
    Word = Word & ReadMetho(I) & Space(1) 
    End Select 
    ToRead = ToRead & Word 
    End If 
    Next I 
    End If 
    End If 
    USD = UCase(Left(ToRead, 1)) & Mid(ToRead, 2) 
    End Function 
    Public Function VND_US(WhatNumber) 
    ' Tien Viet tieng Anh 
    Dim ToRead, NumString, Group, Word As String 
    Dim I, J As Byte, W, X, Y, Z As Double 
    Dim FristColum, SecondColum, ReadMetho 
    If WhatNumber = 0 Then 
    ToRead = "None" 
    If Abs(WhatNumber) >= 1E+15 Then 
    ToRead = "! Too long number ???" 
    FristColum = Array("None", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", _ 
    "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eightteen", "nineteen") 
    SecondColum = Array("None", "None", "twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety") 
    ReadMetho = Array("None", "trillion", "billion", "million", "thousand", "Vietnamese dong", "xu") 
    If WhatNumber < 0 Then 
    ToRead = "Minus" & Space(1) 
    ToRead = Space(0) 
    End If 
    NumString = Format(Abs(WhatNumber), "##############0.00") 
    NumString = Right(Space(15) & NumString, 18) 
    For I = 1 To 6 
    Group = Mid(NumString, I * 3 - 2, 3) 
    If Group <> Space(3) Then 
    Select Case Group 
    Case "000" 
    If I = 5 And Abs(WhatNumber) > 1 Then 
    Word = "Vietnamese dong" & Space(1) 
    Word = Space(0) 
    End If 
    Case ".00" 
    Word = "only" 
    Case Else 
    X = Val(Left(Group, 1)) 
    Y = Val(Mid(Group, 2, 1)) 
    Z = Val(Right(Group, 1)) 
    W = Val(Right(Group, 2)) 
    If X = 0 Then 
    Word = Space(0) 
    Word = FristColum(X) & Space(1) & "hundred" & Space(1) 
    If W > 0 And W < 21 Then 
    Word = Word & "and" & Space(1) 
    End If 
    End If 
    If I = 6 And Abs(WhatNumber) > 1 Then 
    Word = "and" & Space(1) & Word 
    End If 
    If W < 20 And W > 0 Then 
    Word = Word & FristColum(W) & Space(1) 
    If W >= 20 Then 
    Word = Word & SecondColum(Y) & Space(1) 
    If Z > 0 Then 
    Word = Word & FristColum(Z) & Space(1) 
    End If 
    End If 
    End If 
    Word = Word & ReadMetho(I) & Space(1) 
    End Select 
    ToRead = ToRead & Word 
    End If 
    Next I 
    End If 
    End If 
    VND_US = UCase(Left(ToRead, 1)) & Mid(ToRead, 2) 
    End Function
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